Innovation is the key
To be successful in international climate politics, technological and economic cooperation must be at the heart of political efforts.
The key to a successful remodelling of energy supplies is innovation and investment, both on a national and an international level. The If.E [Innovationsforum Energiewende e.V.] is a driver for this process.
The If.E is a coming together which is unique to Germany and Europe, and maybe even the whole world: the powerful industrial trade union, IG BCE, and companies from the energy sector and energy-intensive industries have gathered at the If.E to cooperate and work on new principles for energy production.
The trade union and companies are pursuing the following common goals in their climate policies:
- reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the climate
- strengthening the economy and prosperity
- securing jobs
These energy reforms are one of the most ambitious projects in society. Its undertaking brings with it great challenges for companies, politics, science and citizens. For it to be successful, we need a coordinated process as well as a political and legal framework which encourages long-term investment and innovation.
The remodelling of energy supplies must be in line with economic growth, international competition and ecological climate protection goals; it must also guarantee the security of energy supplies and be socially compatible. For all these aspects, it is important that energy remains affordable to citizens and industry.
Climate protection must be organised in such a way that innovative power for companies is supported and social resources are used efficiently. There must be greater incentives for innovation and investment, and we need an innovation pact for climate protection.
We highlight the requirements for innovation and we make recommendations for the construction of an energy system which is sustainable in terms of climate policy.
The German industrial trade union, Bergbau, Chemie, Energie (otherwise known as IG BCE), has 675,000 members and brought the If.E to life in 2012, together with committees and industrial councils from companies in the chemical, glass, ceramic, plastic, paper, aluminium and copper industries, as well as the energy and housing sectors. Our organisation is defined by social partnership. The chair is Michael Vassiliadis, who is also chair of the IG BCE and the president of IndustriAll European Union.
We would be delighted for you to learn more about us and join us in discussion.